Winmo. The best tool for agency new business

Full transparency, I’m a big Winmo fan and daily user going way back to when they were the List. I blog about it, speak about it, use it every day and brag about my successes. I want to share a few of the reasons that Winmo gives me a huge advantage over all you non-users. My business depends on up-to-date, relevant, and actionable information and Winmo has my back in these key areas. What other resource can do all that? If you haven’t already, check out their website.

Targeted Contact Search, anytime, any day, anywhere.

When I meet a marketer at a conference, maybe hear them speak, or read about someone who interests me, or is talking about a big new initiative, or even criticizing her agency, I go straight to Winmo and type the name in the search box. I go straight to her contact page showing all of the contact info I need, personality insights to guide the best way to engage, and start writing my intro while everyone else is wading through 3 million Google search results. I can repeat that sequence all day long. No doubt, I fill my pipeline with quality leads.

Account Insights, any time, any day, anywhere.

Suppose I get a tip that Acme Widgets just hired a research firm to do focus groups for a new product. I click into Winmo and type Acme Widgets and up pops the company page. I can do comprehensive research of my own right from their page, from a list of all relevant contacts, to media spend, podcast insights, recent Winmo alerts and coverage, agency roster, social spend, sports sponsorships and activations, and more.  I can find just the right people to reach out to, understand their needs, likely spend, competing priorities.  I can do this all day long, too. Get more than contacts. Get context into the entire marketing & advertising landscape.

Customized Alerts, 81% prediction accuracy

In addition to my research needs, Winmo is constantly on the lookout for opportunities for me, while I sleep, or hang out at happy hour, significant company activities on companies I like, events, press, financial reports and other sources to make Sales Predictions. Their analysts monitor subtle triggers and alert me to shifts that will lead to a new campaign, agency review or partnership shake-up. I know who the right prospects are 3-18 months in advance. With 81% prediction accuracy, I can be pretty sure the opportunity is real. I set up what industries, regions, companies I’m interested in and boom, the leads flow straight to my inbox. When I see one I like, I click to the company or contact page and I’m sending outreach before most BD people have their morning coffee.

Vulnerable Accounts, Decision-makers on the move, and more

It doesn’t end there. What else? What if you knew tomorrow’s news, today? Winmo has developed this analysis framework called the Vulnerable Account Index. They do the work and rank companies by their probability so I can spend my valuable time working on the best opportunities for me. No more wasting time on dead ends. I know which brands are likely to be hiring agencies so I can build relationships that will go somewhere. They compile a report of Decision makers on the move, the number 1 trigger for an agency change.

Beat your competition to the close

Be the first to hear about new business opportunities with WinmoEdge, the industry’s first sales intelligence predictor. With a track record of predicting new business opportunities 3-18 months in advance, WinmoEdge translates industry shifts like new hires, spending increases, and other indicators into quick reads you can act on. Get a daily rundown of potential agency new business opportunities and who to contact, so you can quickly start a meaningful conversation. It’s a heck of a lot better than cold calling.

Create your new business dream team

With a dedicated new business development team member, it only takes a second to quickly search thousands of national brands and find the prospects that best fit your agency. Filter by annual revenue, media spend by channel, industry, and more. Couple that with our personality insights to know exactly how to make a successful first impression with key decision-makers. Consider Winmo your secret weapon to keeping your new business pipeline filled with quality opportunities so you can get back to doing what you do best – building relationships!

I never miss an opportunity with Winmo on my team and you won’t either. What are you waiting for? Winmo is the industry’s best sales intelligence tool to find people and the information you need to act smartly—strategy changes, budget changes, agency changes, C-suite changes, and pitch predictions at the companies you want to go after today. Let me set you up with a free trial and demo tailored to your unique needs. 

Pick a time on my calendar that’s convenient for you, and I’ll show you what Winmo can do for your new business success. You won’t believe what you’ve been missing.


One response to “Winmo. The best tool for agency new business”

  1. […] many of whom subscribed to all three. Today, those databases have all consolidated into one, Winmo. I’m sure you’ve heard of Winmo, formerly TheList. Winmo is now the most extensive collection of marketing decision-makers. They […]

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